Our juvenile programs cannot be successful without your help.
What is Arbitration?
Arbitration is an innovative, cost-effective program for dealing with first time non-violent juvenile offenders that permits the community to take an active role in the justice system. The Arbitration Program is a restorative justice program that uses a back to basics approach, recognizing and supporting the community’s need to sanction crime and ensure public safety. The Arbitration Program allows the juvenile to accept responsibility for his/her actions and prevents the minor offenders from majoring in crime. Arbitration promotes court efficiency and helps reduce the workload on Family Courts by removing the less serious cases and allowing the courts to concentrate on serious and violent crimes
What is involved in being a volunteer?
As a volunteer, the Arbitrator would conduct a hearing with the juvenile offender and his/her parent, the victim(s) and Law Enforcement. During the hearing, the Arbitrator would determine the facts and negotiate an agreement of sanctions to be met in order for the juvenile offender to complete restoration and clear his/her record. In order to volunteer, an Arbitrator must meet the following requirements:
- Must be 21 years old
- Have a valid South Carolina Driver’s License
- High School Diploma or equivalent
- No criminal record
- 21 hours of certification training
The certification class will be divided into classes to take starting May, 18, 2017 at The Fourth Circuit Solicitor’s Office in Bennettsville, SC from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please call the Arbitration Coordinator at (843) 479-6516 to receive an application.
This program cannot be successful without your help, please make a difference in your community.